Therapy sessions

If you’re wondering what IEMT and  Cognitive Hypnotherapy actually is, how it works, how effective it is, who it can help, what the sessions are like to experience and what they cost, the answers to all your questions are on this page.

We’ll take a walk through all of those questions below:

What is IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy?

Recent research has shown that our unconscious mind is responsible for 90% of our daily behaviour. The unconscious seeks to protect us by keeping us away from situations that it views as unpleasant based on what it has experienced in the past.

For example, as a child you may have experienced a period of fear, embarrassment or anxiety. Today, as an adult, you might still be holding onto that emotion that has built up over the years. This can mean that you become ’emotionally hijacked’ by your subconscious, which is trying to protect you from a similar experience. The result of this is behaviour which you cannot control, and maybe even can’t understand.

IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy are both solution-focussed. IEMT works to dispel any unhelpful memories that your brain uses to direct your thinking. feelings or behaviours to help you avoid lifes pitfalls. These templates are likely to be out of date and cause us to have immature reactions to things. By clearing them out we can effectively bring out brain function up-to-date, so it works for us and enhances our day to day living. Cognitive Hypnotherapy works by uncovering the source of your problem in order to ‘reframe’ how your unconscious views it. Work is then completed to instill positive behaviour moving forward. Used together this therapies are highly effective. ‘Change therapy’ is just that, creating change so that you can go and live your best life

Everyone is unique and the way in which each individual experiences their problem is specific to them. Therefore, I will always tailor your treatment to your own needs. There are no set scripts. I will be employing the best techniques for you, allowing the most effective change to take place in the shortest time possible.

How effective is IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy?

In my experience both therapies are highly effective. IEMT – For more information see www.integraleyemovement Cognitive Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based therapy. There is a body of evidence as to the effectiveness of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, which has been completed in association with NICE and the University of Warwick.

You can read more about that research here

How does Cognitive Hypnotherapy work?

This short video explains more about how the treatment works:

Who can IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy help?

Whatever your issue, it is likely that IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help you.

Your mind and body are interrelated. Whether your challenges are physical or emotional, they can often be helped by the use of these therapies.

IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy is suitable for people of all ages and I have extensive experience in delivering these therapies to pre-teens, teenagers and adults. NB Please note a screening is completed during the FREE consultation to ensure that we can work safely and effectively together. 

The Therapy Sessions

The sessions often take place in person, but they can be equally as effective over a video call.

You can visit me at my therapy room in Thanet, Kent, or we can speak virtually i.e. using Zoom.

Watch this short video to find out more about what to expect in a session:

Have you still got some questions?  I answer the most commonly asked questions about IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy in my FAQ blog post which you can find by clicking on the button below.

Or of course, if you’d like to find out more about how IEMT and Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help you personally, please get in touch and I’ll be very happy to discuss this with you.

Contact me today

